Become a reseller?

Good to see your interest in reselling the Bonton! We are always looking for enthusiastic resellers. We believe in strong and long-term cooperation with our partners. Leave your contact details behind and we will get in touch!

Bergerweg 200
Gebouw C
1817MN Alkmaar
​Tel: 088 472 0011

NL860242006 B.01


Contact opnemen offerte aanvragen Bonton

Become a reseller

Bonton Circubin keuken

What advantages
does a reseller have?


  • Assured of competitive purchasing conditions..
  • Larger orders can be quoted.
  • Promotional material with your own logo.
    met je eigen logo te ontvangen.
  • Access to all images with Bonton expressions
    and promotional material.
Bonton is een lijn van slimme, recycled modulaire afval scheidingsmodules.

Our mission

100% circular,
that’s what we aim for!

We believe in a world without waste. That doesn't mean that we no longer produce waste at all. It means that we reuse or recycle waste. But to reuse those materials properly, we have to collect waste streams separately. That is why we developed the Bonton: a line of circular waste and recycling station to easily separate waste at the source. And did you know the Bonton itself is also completely circular? This is how you start the right way.

Bonton in your (online) shop?

Bonton Circubin

Smart separation with one module

bonton circubin circulaire afvalbak

Bonton Original

Efficient collection & large capacity

Bonton Mini

Eenvoudig kleine afvalstromen scheiden.